Clark County Social Service
Department of Family Services, Clark County, Nevada
Department of Juvenile Justice Services
FirstMed Health and Wellness Center
Goodwill of Southern Nevada
Innovative Educators, Colorado
Jobs for America's Graduates of Nevada
National Center for Inquiry and Improvement, California
Nevada Bureau of Behavioral Health Wellness Prevention
Nevada Bureau of Vocational Rehabilitation
Nevada Community Foundation
Nevada Department of Corrections
Nevada Department of Education
Nevada Department of Veterans Services
Nevada Division of Public and Behavioral Health
Nevada Office of the Attorney General, Office of Military
Legal Assistance
Nevada Office of Grants Procurement, Coordination and Management
Nevada Office of Minority Health
Nevada Partnership for Homeless Youth
Nevada State Public Charter School Authority
Nevada State Treasurer's Office
Nevada Substance Abuse Prevention and Treatment Agency
Nevada System of Higher Education
Opportunity Alliance of Nevada
Schwab Bank
Southern Nevada Homelessness Continuum of Care
Wild Air Marketing, Georgia
Workforce Connections